Si-Fi Short Stories



I threw myself into the car and sighed, taking a moment before backing up from the agency’s parking lot. I could still hear the manager telling me they would get back to me – the emptiness in his voice.

“Hey, Holden,” I said without taking my eyes off the road. My phone beeped from inside my purse.

“Yes?” The AI assistant’s British voice answered from my car speakers.

“Did I fuck up just now?” I needed someone to vent to and Holden was always listening.

“I’d have kept my personal story short, and maybe worded the request better. The guy sounded like he had a lot on his mind.”

“He was rude.”

“I thought so too.”

I sighed. “We’ll see what happens. How’s traffic home, by the way?”

“Not bad. Cop just pulled over a car on Biscayne, but it’s the fastest route right now, about 25 minutes.”


“You’re welcome.”




It was the end of the world. The old lady sat, wondering why she was the only one left alive. Three sudden, loud knocks on her door cut through the lonely silence, startling the lady. Shakily, she peeped through the eyehole, but there was no one on the other side.



The big Miami flood of 2030 was a catastrophe. It came from nowhere, ripping families apart, destroying Brickell, and putting Miami underwater. But, the city’s morale remained unscathed. Together, residents built floating mobile homes, restored boats, elected a new mayor, and transformed Miami into the first city built on water.



She was tall, thin, and strong – her muscles incredibly defined. But something about her wasn’t right. Her veins were small, blue and they branched out into thousands of lines, forming endless pathways all over her body. She covered most of those in human clothes, which were always black. She was always the first to arrive in class and would sit in the back, taking notes in her language. You could tell she was not from around Earth by the way that she spoke words with ‘s’, the sound never came out. One day, she caught me spying her from my seat. It was the first time I looked into her eyes. They were black and glossy, and they penetrated mine. I was suddenly wrapped in horror, unable to move or breathe. It lasted only a second. She diverted her gaze and the feeling vanished, but the message was clear.

Julia Garicochea