Tokyo Love Story

 Coffee Smells Like Love

It was that time of my life when I fall into deep depression and felt like I need to change something. I wasn’t ready for a big change in my life but small change like relocating and working somewhere else for a couple of weeks would’ve make things better.

I opened the map, closed my eyes and pointed straight to Tokyo.

“Wow! Tokyo? Ok challenge accepted.”

I went to and booked my one way ticket New York to Tokyo for the next month. All I had to do is pack my stuff and wait patiently.

The month went by fast and I was already on my way to Tokyo reading and checking out places that I should visit.

“Here I am Tokyo! Show me what you’ve got!”

My flight was quite long and I needed a little bust of energy. I Googled closest coffee shop and found Niko and…  The place was really light, each seat had its own plug and free wifi so I could work straight from there. There was also a restaurant upstairs and a clothes and homewares shop on the ground floor.

“Hello sir! How may I assist you? “- I was asked by a girl behind the counter.

“Hi, I would like to have a double expresso, please.”

“Sure” – she smiled and I saw a little spark in her eyes.

“Ammm, could you recommend a nice hotel that I can stay with a nice view and close to everything?

“Of course! There is one right close to us Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel, I have heard it’s one of the best in the city. Where are you from?”

“I’m from NY, came here to work and just to clear up my mind a little bit. Wish I had a friend to show me around, never been here before”.

She smiled but did not say anything in return.

“Here is your coffee sir, hope you will enjoy your stay”.

I got the coffee and went outside towards the Hotel. Luckily is wasn’t too far. The hotel looked laxuary and stuff was very friendly. I booked my room for 2 weeks but I really did’t know how much time do I need.

Finally I’m here, far away from all of problems and excited for my new adventure.

First thing I wanted to try was of course Sushi. I always liked asian food and culture because my grandmother was from Japan. Even thought it was my first time in Tokyo I felt really comfortable to be here. The most famous place in Tokyo is Robot Restaurant where you can see an awesome show with Sushi dinner.

It was around 6 pm when I got there and show was about to start. I ordered Sushi dinner with sake and started to look around. Suddenly the lights turned off and the stage was full of beautiful dancers and a huge Robot. The show was spectacular, I have never see something like this before.

I ordered my second sake and started to feel very warm and kind of happier.

“Ladies and gentleness, presenting you miss Kitty Lee!”- the showmen said loudly.

Light got switched off and a beautiful woman with a mask on her face has appeared. She started to dance very slowly and I felt like my blood started to go up to my face, maybe because it was my second sake or this girl was very attractive. I was watching her every second, following her movements and imagining that she was dancing only for me. For a moment I felt like our eyes got crossed and it was very familiar. Maybe I saw her in my dreams?

After she finished performence and decided to ask her autograph and tell how delightful she was, plus I was very curios how she looked like.

The lights turned back on and I stated to head towards the backstage. Kitty Lee was standing with her friends, discussing her performance. I approached behind her and gently taped her shoulder.

“Excuse me? Miss Lee!” – I said with excitement.

She turned back and got frozen.

“Oh wow! You danced very professional for a girl from a coffee shop!” – I said with my eyes wide open.

“Well working in a coffee shop doesn’t mean I can’t do what I really love” -she said.

“Sorry, of course you can. I was just mesmerized and wanted to ask for your autograph.”

She smiled at me and asked if I still wanted the autograph. I handed her a piece of paper and she wrote something. I put it in my pocket and went back to my table, ordered one more sake and decided to open the note.


Hey Mr NY, sorry did not ask your name. It was nice to meeting you and I can show you around if you like, you seem like a nice guy. See you tomorrow at 5 pm Sumida River. My number is 105-0013.

With love,

Kat Lee

My heart was exploding from the excitement and I couldn’t wait to get to know this amazing girl from the coffee shop.

I can’t remember exactly how I came back from the restaurant but I woke up  with a terrible headache. I don’t really drink often but yesterday felt very special. I took a shower and medicine and felt much better in about 30 min. Then I started to memorize what happed last night and wasn’t sure if all of that was real. I took my pants and started to look for the note, but could find anywhere, apparently was too drunk to keep it safe. After looking all over my place I decided not to give up and go the coffee shop.

I opened the door and saw her talking to a client with the same smile I got from her yesterday. For a moment I felt jealous but then I kinda caught up myself.

“Hello miss Kat, sorry about yesterday I got a little tipsy, hope I didn’t say anything wrong” – I smiled and looked down to the floor.

“Hi Mr?”

“James! My name is James!”

“Mr James, you didn’t do anything wrong, don’t worry, see you tonight?” -she asked.

“Yes, looking forward to it!” – I handed her my business card and said that I could find her note.

It’s 5 pm and I’m standing at Sumida River with flowers behind my back. Then I saw her walking towards me so graciously like she was on the stage. I gave her flowers and saw a little blush on her cute cheeks. Her eyes was sparkling and she smelled like coffee. I would probably drink this coffee everyday, heh.

We went to the river, then park, visited couple of restaurants, were singing in karaoke and ended up watching the sunrise on top of a roof-bar. I forgot about all of my problems and had the best time of my life.

“See you tonight? Noting crazy I know you are tired. How about watch a movie?” I asked.

“Let’s see” – she smiled and gave me a gentle kiss.

I closed my eyes and felt something warm around my stomach and heart. I wish it could lasts a little longer. When I opened my eyes she already disappeared, I call an Uber and went back to my hotel.

I woke up around 3.30 pm and run out of the door to see Kat. She looked very tired and was about to finish her shift. I decided to get coffee and wait until she finish.  After she finished I invited her to a movie at my hotel and she had no energy to refuse. We ordered a pizza and she fall asleep before the movie started. I watched the movie by myself but really enjoy watching her sleeping on my lap. I carried her to my room, put to sleep in my bed and slept on a couch next to her. She woke up in the middle of the night, came to me and asked why I left her. We moved to my bed together and slept just like little kittens, snuggling and smiling all night.

Couple weeks went by fast and we saw each other every day. My feelings towards her was getting stronger and it was quite scary for me. Then I got a call from my company and they told me to come back to NY for a very important meeting. I knew this is going to happen but I didn’t know its going be that hard. Should I just leave without saying good bye? I hate saying that.  I don’t know what to do without her there? What if she doesn’t feel the same?

I had all this questions in my head but it was time for me to make a dessision and I have decided to ask her if she wanted to go with me. I know it’s crazy, we’ve known each other only for two weeks but I felt something from the first moment I saw her. She was very special.

I called her and ask to come to my hotel after work.

“Hey Kat, we need to talk about something very important”.

“Something happened? – her voice got nervous

“Not yet. See you tonight love”. I hang up.

I decided to order dinner to my room and made it very romantic because I didn’t know if its going to be out last time. She knocked the door, I opened  and I asked her to close her eyes. I took her hand and leaded to the living room.

“You can open now” – I whispered in her ear.

There was a small little table in the middle of the room and lots of candles around, two glasses of Rose Champaign and a beautifully served dinner.

“Wow, are we celebrating something? ” – she laughed

“Yes, we are celebrating you and me, it’s not enouth?” – I smiled

We set down and raised our glasses, had the most delicious dinner and talked about everything for hours. It was time for me to ask her and I felt a big ball in my throat. I swallowed it up and said:

“Kat? I want to ask you something. I will respect what ever you reply. Just be honest with yourself and me. Ok. Here we go. Would you ever consider to live in NYC?” – I looked straight to her eyes.

“Are you asking  me to move in with you?” she replied

“Yes I want you to go with me because I can’t imagine my life without you anymore. You made me happy, you made me forget about everything and I’m ready to do anything for you! I want to make you happy!”

She stood up from the table, came close to me, put her arms around my neck and whispered to my ear:

“Maybe people  will judge me and say I’m crazy but I would rather be crazy but happy and with you!”

She kissed me like never before and I spent the rest of my life drinking coffee with Kat every morning!  

Oxana Lukyanchenko