Tom would ask himself “Did I really dream that?”. The longer he tried to re-collect, the foggier the memory became. Tom, the 12 year old kid from Alaska had unwanted visitors. After a while it really began to affect his life. He would fall asleep during...

As they give the last touches to the robot, Mark and Steve are very happy with the result. This was the next big thing. This robot I going to help people with their basic needs at home. "Lets take a break" said Steve "Yes we've been on...

Si-Fi 1. I threw myself into the car and sighed, taking a moment before backing up from the agency’s parking lot. I could still hear the manager telling me they would get back to me – the emptiness in his voice. “Hey, Holden,” I said without taking my...

Rough Day At The Office He fastened on his helmet. The final component of the hermetically sealed uniform he was forced to wear each day. Comfortable? No. Necessary? Yes. This thin layer of technical fiber was the only thing between Jim and one of the world's...

Under the Bubble   Inside the bubble, people moved. Cities rose up towards the transparent ceiling. An entire world, blissfully unaware of its impending doom. “All personnel, please clear the perimeter.” Rebecca yanked herself out of her reverie. Taking one last look at the translucent bubble, she straightened up...

"Night sweats" Johnny woke up one night with sound of sirens. It wasn’t the usual sirens from emergency vehicles. These were different. He got up to look outside only to be scared by the opening of his bedroom door, as his father shouted: “Let’s go, Johnny. We need...

A Beautiful World She sat in the dark, sobbing, absent-minded. Lately, her room was the only place she felt safe. She had enjoyed being a twin, but ever since she hit puberty, she knew the end was near. And everyone else seemed to know, too. They had...