There they were, holding hands and walking down the street in my direction. As they got closer I could feel myself shaking, anxiety gripping me at my core. We passed each other and she didn’t notice me. It was starkly apparent, she had become someone...

"Hand over a damn well written marketing plan by midnight or there will be consequences!" It had been 5 hours since the boss shrieked those words at him. In that time he'd; drank 4 espressos and took wrote the outlines.He hands it over to the crimson...

Ornock soared high above the clouds; higher than any ship before him. Overcome with ambition, Ornock continued to climb higher and higher; until he was unable to make out the images on the ground below. In a brief moment of clarity, he remembered not thoroughly checking his...

The outcome of his burgeoning young career rest in this one play. This was the moment where he either proved the naysayers wrong or confirmed their suspicions of him being the biggest bust in recent history. The countdown began. 5…4…3…2…1…clank. Never before had the weight...

I felt miserable and desperate. The dog beside me smelled horrible.  As more people comes in, my anxiety just gets worst. Its been a long, busy day. After many stops, I finally get to the 21st floor and  exit the elevator, just to notice I...

As she walked down the asile a bird entered de church and pooped on her veil, everybody was shocked, a few seconds passed in silence, all the church kept staring at her, then the bride let go an hysterical laughter. The groom felt he wanted to...

He looks at me with the deepest devotion and love. With admiration and awe. With truth and hope. The purity of his eyes sees nothing else, than a hero in me. There's nothing else I wish I could be, If I could be the person my dog thinks...

Tossing the bacon strip on the sizzling pan was my favorite. The fatty yet saucy powerful aroma made my mouth water and stomach grumble. My dog watched and felt the same. I saw my phone ring and he made his move...

Fell into a big black hole Fell into a big black hole as I was tripping down Fell into a big black hole as I was tripping down, hearing my own scream Fell into a big black hole as I was tripping down, hearing my own scream after...