No place to run! He was trapped in the corner of the room just looking at her and acceping that there was no escape, he had mud in his face and body, and he was naked. He had to face the reality his mom was getting...

“I promise you this.” Mr. Turner muttered under his breath as he wiped his mouth, placed his fork down on his plate, and stood up from the table in disgust, “In all my time spent on this earth I’ve come to realize; no one leaves...

After he broke her heart,once again , she's out tonight. She loves him, but hates him tonight. Drink after drink, only one word's on her mind: revenge. Bumps into one of his "friends" and start talking. In the morning, crying and regretful, tells him "don't...

Nothing was the same after that chocolate cake. Two warm layers of pure chocolate, fluffy and moist in the middle, filled with tiny drops of dark cocoa and covered in a creamy Nutella topping. I devoured the cake, but its scent, sweet and dense, is...

Harmony was one way to describe it. Whenever you swirled it, its aroma spread like a fire burning its surroundings. The sheer class of the clean cut crystal bottle gave off intimidation. One rainy night I poured its amber liquid.. The taste soothed and warmed from the...

As she walked into the bar, I recognized her hair, her dress and her perfume. I knew it would all be over soon. Then she said: Baby, this juice box isn’t a cocktail. Enough Agatha Christie for today. What could I do? I was already in...

Janice never lost her cool; I’ve never even seen her as much as frown in the office. But yesterday, as I sat there watching her unravel at that podium, literally searching for every single word. It was then that I realized how much I take...

She took a gracious leap from the fuzzy carpet to the French couch and delicately rested her long legs. Her seafoam green eyes watched the room for a moment, her long ears pointed. Slowly, she lifted up one leg in a perfectly straight line and...

He stared at the computer full of numbers,bored and tired, the same routine made a robot out of him and he didn´t noticed until now, he was getting the job of his old boss that recently killed himself in his office with the message: “this...