You’re Always in Love   I knew I needed to be alone without ever talking to her about it. I’d expressed my love for her a week before, a month after my last heartbreak. I had to tell a friend. His words shattered my cloud. “You’re always in...

Red   Her long red hair caught his eye.   He saw them going out for Thai. Sharing a bottle of red. Discussing if there was a god and what comes after death.   “What floor?” she asked as she pressed the number three on the elevator   He blinked.   “Five”   They rode in silence.     Puke   “How...

Goodnight  When I lie next to him I can hear his heart and, like a wave, it comes and goes and takes mine away. With a swing of heartbeats I fall asleep. His breathing whistles in my dreams and when I wake up I forget who...

Wintertime “This whole year you’ve thought you were better than us because when people looked at you, they looked past every single one of us. But here’s the truth: winter has arrived, and without us, you are nothing,” said the last leaf, outraged and heartbroken, as...

50-word Romantic stories.   I cheated on her. Friday night started with too many problems for Annie. She was depressed. She continued to fool herself in cognitive dissonance that she didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a kiss. But she knew she had betrayed her diet. So,...

Bros before hoes  During an intense night of tequila two male best friends had the great idea of getting married instead of tattooing themselves to prove their friendship. They woke up the next morning without knowing who they had married last night and it remained as...

Saxophone I recognized him from his pictures Gangly yet toned Wavy brown hair His humor translated well in real life   “Let’s call a cab” Greeted by the doorman, we went up He opened the door to a soundproof room “I play the saxophone” No saxophone in sight I called a cab    ___________________ Decision I pick up...

Fresh Start The alarm sounded. Distant at first, but now piercing and shrill. The dream had vanished, and while the snooze bar offered a temporary retreat into comfort, time was precious this morning. It was the first day of his new job, and John was anxious...

Angelo’s up’s and down’s It was a quiet day filled with uncertainty and disappointment for Angelo. You see, this month was rough; packed with rejections and financial struggles, of those he pondered from his sketching desk. But little did he know he would get a call...