VW Cross Up: Toilets DDB Worldwide  What is the most stressing moment you can experience in a normal day? Every time you are in a rush to the bathroom for any reason and you ara running late. But, what is the most relaxing moment of the day? Every time you...

Audi- Equal Pay The commercial is about a girl who is in a car race against all young boys. The cars all look as though they are hand built by the young drivers and their parents. The commercial tells the story of how a father is...

Puppy Monkey Baby Brian collapsed on the couch next to his two friends, Derek and Dre. They had just arrived from the airport and were staying with him for the weekend. An impromptu college reunion seemed like a great way to make them forget how shitty...

Lexus: Stunned The Lexus Christmas commercial titled “Stunned” starts with a kid asking “this is for me?”, then cuts to him dancing, and then back to the previous scene where he asks: “for real?” Then it goes back to him dancing and then he says “Noooo…”...

3 Favorite Commercials back-stories. Snickers Commercial 2017 Recovery Room It’s 3am and Roberts gets another text from hospital staff. He wakes up almost foreseeing this occurrence, and quickly glances at his screen to read the message. Patty, Robert’s wife, hates these interruptions and constantly reminds him...