"How do you like Savannah?" "Well, let me just say that I'm from the Bronx." "Oh. ok" "How often do you go back?" "I don't. I was one of them kids you'd read about in the paper" "I had to move and I'm thankful for it. All my best friends...

(Doctor #1) "I haven't been traveling as much as i should, i mean i go back home to Virginia all the time." (Doctor#2) "You are such a hard worker. You're so professional." (Doctor#3) (completely ignores her compliments) "I've lived in Miami for 2 and a half years and it still feels...

(Security Guard) You're going to have to park next to him because that truck is going to be there for a while. (Person) Yea but I don't know if my car fits there. (Security Guard) Don't worry he's coming 0ut now to move it so you can fit...

(Customer) Let me get bbq sauce, salt and ketchup. (Cashier) Sir we only have ranch and honey mustard at the moment. (Customer) Ok let me just get salt and ketchup then. (Cashier) We only got ranch and honey mustard....

(Doctor#1) "Morning." (Doctor#2) "Good morning, how are you?" (Doctor#1) "I'm fine thank you. Do they move around your patients too?" (Doctor#2) Why? let me see.. oh they've only been here one night so it doesn't matter."  ...