“Why are you so angry?” “Jesus! Man, I’m tired of it!” “Tired of what, man? I’m tired of you pulling me in here. What are you tired of?” “I’m, I’m pissed. You know why? Cuz I’ve been doing that research on the Tube.” “Uggh! You need to stay off...

Bahamas Baby!   “When is spring break?” Excitement has control of her body and she squeaks in a high pitch “Second week of March, girl!” She dances in her seat as she sings her response “I cannot wait for a vacation. Where should we go, what should we do?” If you did...

Dialogue #1 P1: “I told you $249.” P2: “Ok, well, whatever it is it’s a lot less.” P2: “I will call you tomorrow morning. This lady will be waiting for the package to be delivered around 8-9am.” P1: “Well, let’s keep like that. The logical thing to do is...

Detox Eats “Babyyy, how are you?” “Fine and you?” “I’m good. What are you eating?” “A salmon detox salad thing. I don’t know what’s in it. I don’t care about the detox part, but it’s really good.”   Weekend Shopping “I’m going car and apartment-shopping this weekend!” “Nice. For yourself?” “Well, my boyfriend needs...

Five different dialogues from the same couple in a Starbucks. They have a coffee, and for what I hear it must be the first date. 1. The guy is wearing a red winter hat and is smoking weed from a pipe while she stares at him with...

“You didn’t clean the oven!”   “It’s already clean… plus I didn’t know that was on the checklist.”   “Si, it is! I have to write it down.”   “Seriously? There’s literally nothing in there.”   “Si mami, I have to.”   “Ugh.” ____________________ “How was your casting?”   “I got it! It was literally so easy. They had...

Dialogue 1 Lady 1: “You know what we tried Saturday since everyone was sick was Outbacks delivery service”. Lady 2: “Yea, how was it”? Lady 1: “It sucked, the steaks were cold and the shrimp was soggy, we were so disappointed” Lady 2: “Did you call them and complain”? Lady...