“You didn’t clean the oven!”   “It’s already clean… plus I didn’t know that was on the checklist.”   “Si, it is! I have to write it down.”   “Seriously? There’s literally nothing in there.”   “Si mami, I have to.”   “Ugh.”   ________ “How was your casting?”   “I got it! It was literally so easy. They had...

Dialogues: Bittersweet Virginia   “I’m moving to Virginia!” she said in a mellow tone “You’re kidding; you just bought a house in West Palm!” Her friend said in pure shock and confusion.   “I’m going to lease the house if you want it.” In a melancholic tone “I mean I do, but not right now....

Two ladies Woman 1 starts shouting: Fuck it Suzz I told you that you couldn't come to my house. Woman 2 answers shouting too: I don't care what you want, I am coming. You better fucking open the door. She turns around and starts walking. Woman 1turns around the other direction...

“Where’s your food?!” “I don’t know! My driver’s been sitting in the same spot for 10 minutes. I wanna cancel but ughhhh I don’t know. I’M STARVING.” “Well, mine’s here heh heh.” _______ “Do you wanna do this log in thing together so I don’t feel stupid?” “Haha yeah hold...

Woman 1: “Did you hear about Caroline’s daughter? They baker acted her” Woman 2: “You have to be fu%$%ing kidding me! That is long overdue!” Woman 1: “ Wow, tell me how you really feel”. Laughter from both women” ____________________________________________ Man 1: “I think my credit is in the...

  Fck that guy Girl 1: “No, he didn’t even move.” Girl 2: “I would’ve at least honked. Some people have no shame” Girl 1: “Yeah, I guess I was in some sort of ‘shock,’ so I just stared…” Girl 2: “Fuck that…  I spoke with Josh because he had…” *Conversation...

Talk #UBER -Hola! Oxana? - driver Hi! Yes - me -Hablas Espanaol? - driver -No- me -Oh, where you from? - driver -Russia - me -Russiaa! I'm from Cuba. How long you live here? - driver- - I just moved from NY - me -You like Miami? -driver -Mmmm, I like the beach and the...

5 Conversations:   “Can I take a hit of that?”   “Sure”   “What flavor is it?”   “Tobacco, pretty bad, probably tastes like it”   He chuckles.     “What’d you get? Is that corn on the cob?”   “No, it’s a kebab,” he snickers   “That was pretty quick.”   “Yeah it was like right there, not bad, for ten bucks.” _____________________   “Damn, that...

Beach time  Two little boys are playing with a surfboard at the sea´s shore. They are arguing because the old brother doesn't allow their little sister play with them and the younger boy wants her to play. Big boy: She is not playing with us. She can´t play...