It all started like another summer day in South Alabama. The heat was up, the sky was clear and the humidity of the weather was just starting during the first hours of the day. His mother knocked at his door as usual "Tommy, wake up, breakfast...

It all started as another teenage tantrum. The desire of "going to study abroad" should have been enough to get him already on the first plane on his way to anywhere far away from home. But it wasn't that easy. His parents, who sometimes can be...

It all started as another teenage tantrum. The desire of "going to study abroad" should have been enough to get me already on the first plane on my way to anywhere far away from home. But it wasn't that easy. My parents, who sometimes can be...

His sight was full of frustration and anger. His fingers were squeezing his lips. Dressed in black, grown beard and loosing hair. I could see myself in him. For an instant we were soulmates. But not really. We are just two guys working in advertising and our...

The first commercial is pretty much the ad for which I decided to work in advertising. It awed me how it was possible to tell incredible stories through every day products. Just the possibility of wearing Nikes back then, it made me feel like a...

In the upside-down world people walk with their hands and greet with their feet. In the upside-down world kids raise their parents and ice cream comes before salad. In the upside-down world, I am a youthful adult turning into a mature kid and this story is just about...

- The doctor said it was the most beautiful circumcision ever saw. - Circumcisions are horrible. - No they are a tradition, and they are good for men. In the case of my baby, it was a beautiful tradition. -Well, I guess some day he'll thank you for...

- So, I'm going to Boston this weekend to drink with my girlfriends. We will be about 15 girls together and we know each other since high school. We will have a free bar party and such and be back by Monday. -Sounds like fun! -Sure it...

He looks at me with the deepest devotion and love. With admiration and awe. With truth and hope. The purity of his eyes sees nothing else, than a hero in me. There's nothing else I wish I could be, If I could be the person my dog thinks...