They grew up together telling each other secrets and running around. After the war, they became separated. Years later and he'd never forgotten her. He was walking down the street and gazed up slowly, he saw a familiar silhouette...

(Doctor #1) "I haven't been traveling as much as i should, i mean i go back home to Virginia all the time." (Doctor#2) "You are such a hard worker. You're so professional." (Doctor#3) (completely ignores her compliments) "I've lived in Miami for 2 and a half years and it still feels...

(Doctor#1) "Morning." (Doctor#2) "Good morning, how are you?" (Doctor#1) "I'm fine thank you. Do they move around your patients too?" (Doctor#2) Why? let me see.. oh they've only been here one night so it doesn't matter."  ...

"There's nothing like inhaling a fresh sea breeze." He was in his thoughts and to himself, but then she walked by. They had a history and it was his chance, step by step she grew closer. Finally ...