The lonesome man craved warmth. He lived on his own. On his way to the store, a beautiful woman smirked at him so he spoke with her. Hours later and no word. In a gloom he checked his phone...

Dark and tall stood the man at the bar. With refined words, he ordered her a drink. With one gaze from him, she melted and accepted. He always said the right words and went to kiss her ashen skin. SNAP! He sunk his fangs and she would... This ad resonates with me because I grew up loving and virtually attached to the Nintendo 64. The exposition entails of a peaceful environment with pleasant friendly interactions between Mario, Yoshi and all the awesome characters. Just listen to the song by the turtles "happy together".Then...

That amazing feeling … the feeling that starts from within and spreads to the tips of your fingers like a “hell yeah!” fire. I’m talking about overcoming an obstacle. Growing up strictly speaking Spanish in a foreign country has its positives and negatives, just like anything in...

Daily warm breezes and blankets of sunshine. It's always been a vacation life for her. Life was a literal sandbox with only the local delights. Somewhere, across the sea brewed a nasty storm. On a new day she noticed the gray. The storm landed. Decimated, she rebuilt...

"Hand over a damn well written marketing plan by midnight or there will be consequences!" It had been 5 hours since the boss shrieked those words at him. In that time he'd; drank 4 espressos and took wrote the outlines.He hands it over to the crimson...