Just exist Guy 1: I live in cleveland , just here on vacations Guy 2 : so what do you do in cleveland Guy 1: just live …. just exist Family dinner Waitrees: ohh are you going to pay me?(to a kid in a restaurant) Kid:  Yes! ( grabbed her...

Morning kisses In the morning he woked her up with a kiss,they have met yesterday and spend the night, he woke up and saw her perfectly disheveled with a delicious morning breath he kissed her to let her know it wasn't a single night, he already...

Rulo recives a call from a old friend Enano(dwarf), that Oso (bear) was coming back to argentina so he wanted to get the group of friends together again, They pick up all of their friends that have changed a lot, when Bear comes down from...

We went to a friends house to celebrate new years, we all arrived in a friends car and left it under a tree, we started drinking till 12 and then all went bad, I had to many drinks and I remember nothing from 12.30 AM...

She put on her dress and prepared, of course she made him wait like always… Went outside with a elegant delay that was torture but precious for him. -You look hideous, he joked -You wanna wait some more? -As long as you come… They are ninety and still in...

Professor: So what did you do friday nigth? Student: we went to LIV but it was no good Professor: why is that? Student: well because we paid to get a open bar and then we arrived and they give us like 3 bottles for 60 people so nobody...

Girl 1: You have to be really careful in the eastern Europe Girl 2: Two day ago, no yesterday, I was in the bus and talked to the driver, he told me he was going to Ukraine because he wanted to meet woman, I mean why did...

I was staring at her all the trip, she also look at me a few times and smile,I thought fuck it im going to talk to her. The station came and she went out througth  the other door, I had to face reality,I am never seeing...

As she walked down the asile a bird entered de church and pooped on her veil, everybody was shocked, a few seconds passed in silence, all the church kept staring at her, then the bride let go an hysterical laughter. The groom felt he wanted to...