Have you ever thought about the fact that you’re literally always just one decision away from changing your life completely for better or worst. This means you can actually become that person you think you are. Changing lifestyles is not and will never be...

If you’ve been living in Miami all your life, this is for you. If you’ve been living in Miami for just a month, this is for you too. So what is it about Miami that attracts so many people? Truth is there are too many...

http://www.theplatypuslair.com/2018/08/14/lincoln-anthem-commercial/ So what it is that we look for in a car? Do we just want to be able to go from point A to Point B? Or do we want an experience? Do we want to feel a sense of joy when we get in...

Brand: Lincoln Concept: New Audience (younger people., still elegant) Quality is our secret A safe trip Oasis on the road-1 Above our category, beyond just a brand-1 More than a car Flawless Drive with confidence-1 Expect greatness Touching every base-1 Reaching out Hop in Style, Elegance,...

Hyperbole *I’ve told you to park in the back a million times. *Im going to die if this class isn’t over. *My bag weights a ton   Imagery *I remember the loud sound of the subway couldn’t let me hear the video on my phone. *The room smelled horrible and was dark,...

It was a  cold December night in Toronto.  A weird ship had been hovering around Jimmy's town.  As they're walking out of their baseball game, Jimmy and his friend Daniel, saw the ship come down and take a lady with a kid. As they vigorously ran...

Lines for Ray-Ban Consonance Don’t make plans without your Ray-bans Stand for Raybans Epithet Rayban “Eyewear kings” Rayban “One of a kind” Assonance Get your band some Raybans Get a tan with your Raybans ...