She couldn't believe her eyes. After all her friends warned her. It was true. The man she was marrying is a serial killer. As she walked inside the house, she saw her fiancee killing Pablo, the man that was fixing their bathroom. "WTF MIKE! You killed...

"One more round Johnny" said Chad Johnny serves their drinks. "To good friends, and life" said James raising his drink. It's been 3 years since they last saw each other. As they finish their last scotch, it was time to go back home. Walking outside, James takes his...

When the bus got a flat tire in the middle of nowhere, everyone  freaked out. As the driver got pout to fix the, the sound of a gunshot shocked them and they all freaked out. The driver was dead. "Kids hide under the seats and don't...

Crossing the street, they saw a huge guy with a hoodie assaulting a lady.  They aproach him, he turns around..his hoodie rips off  and his tentacles wrapped one of them so hard he almost pops. They all call the police, they came and kill the...

Kya: 27 years old. Born and raised in Tokyo. Bar tender and is doing her masters in art. Comes from a middle class family thats very supportive of her dreams and decisions. She has two older brothers that are both engineers and are starting to...

Jake: 30 years old. Born and raised in California, USA. Works for a big importing company, on his way to be the next CEO. Comes from a rich family, but doesn't hold a good relationship with them. Jake is not emotionally stable and has a...

After a while it had all became a routine for Jake. Waking up, gym, work, come back home eat, sleep, and a solid 4-5 hour video game and TV session before going back to bed, and start all over again. No social life whatsoever. After...

Her phone was ringing, once again. The non stop calling has been going on for weeks now. Sarah doesn't know what to do anymore. Decides to answer "I swear I'll call the police!" Sarah yelled as her dad walked in the room. "Whats going?!" Sarah puts the phone...

As they give the last touches to the robot, Mark and Steve are very happy with the result. This was the next big thing. This robot I going to help people with their basic needs at home. "Lets take a break" said Steve "Yes we've been on...