As his daughter dropped him at the nursing home, he sees a very familiar woman. "who is that?" his daughter asked him. "nothing" he responds. The next day he sees her reading in the patio and sits next to her. "I knew some day I'd see you again" she...

(Professor) Did you like the pizza? The one with chicken is really good. (Student) Yes they're all good. Did you tried the dessert? (Professor) Yes everything haha...

As the final day of vacation gets closer, there's mixed feelings involved. Its been an entire summer together and now each one goes back home. As he was already telling her his plans for his next visit to see her, she shed a tear, knowing...

(Student 1) I think Im just going to work on it tomorrow morning cause its consuming too much time. (Student 2) Do you think he's going to be tough on the editing? (Student 1) Just do exactly whats in the tutorial video and you'll be good....

I would say that his biggest fear has always been public speaking. Although he's never really been what you can describe as a "shy" person, its just something about standing up in front of everyone that has always intimidated him.  He remembers being extremely nervous...

(Person 1) Hey did you signed the letter for the construction in front? (Person 2) Yea they told me about but I just got here I was in Orlando. But yea they told me about it what a mess. (Person 1) Hopefully everyone collaborates.  ... *We can see de exposition of the video when he's introducing and describing what he's about to present. *The rising action is when he starts getting interrupted. *The climax is when he uncovers the Verizon sign. *The falling action is the description of  the product at the end.   *In...

After he broke her heart,once again , she's out tonight. She loves him, but hates him tonight. Drink after drink, only one word's on her mind: revenge. Bumps into one of his "friends" and start talking. In the morning, crying and regretful, tells him "don't...