50-word Romantic stories.   I cheated on her. Friday night started with too many problems for Annie. She was depressed. She continued to fool herself in cognitive dissonance that she didn’t do anything wrong. It was just a kiss. But she knew she had betrayed her diet. So,...

Eavesdrop dialogues.   Publix check. Cashier: That will be $45.66 Customer: *starts writing a check* Cashier: It’s been a while since someone offered one of those… Customer: ha! ha! Sorry, my card got cloned and now I have to use checks until I get a new one. Cashier: Yikes! I understand. Thanks!...

The no-good fella.   It was another night and Claire could hear someone banging on her house door. In the background, she heard her mother yelling at her father to not answer the door. It was a loud argument and one noisy scene that she drowned with...

The Wasabi Diaries. *Plane starts to descend* *As it touches down at Tokyo’s Haneda international airport, Johanna looks out the window and enthusiastically turns ON her roaming to text her friend Lisa* Johanna writes: Who’s ready for some sake-sake, baby! …just landed [/insert happy Japanese emoji teehee!] Lisa writes...

Eavesdrop conversations. #1 “No ma, siempre compras este (milk) que tiene lo del Lactaid. Esta es otra marca” – Publix Carol tells her mother to buy the right milk product, since she seems to confuse all the milk cartons that are of the same color, thinking that all...

3 Favorite Commercials back-stories. Snickers Commercial 2017 Recovery Room It’s 3am and Roberts gets another text from hospital staff. He wakes up almost foreseeing this occurrence, and quickly glances at his screen to read the message. Patty, Robert’s wife, hates these interruptions and constantly reminds him...

Couple in Tokyo: The Wasabi diaries. The plane lands and the anxiety kicks in. This is Johanna’s first trip to Japan; a trip she’s been waiting for quite some time. Johanna is a big fan of the Japanese culture and has been trying to get her...

Angelo’s up’s and down’s It was a quiet day filled with uncertainty and disappointment for Angelo. You see, this month was rough; packed with rejections and financial struggles, of those he pondered from his sketching desk. But little did he know he would get a call...