5 Conversations:   “Can I take a hit of that?”   “Sure”   “What flavor is it?”   “Tobacco, pretty bad, probably tastes like it”   He chuckles.     “What’d you get? Is that corn on the cob?”   “No, it’s a kebab,” he snickers   “That was pretty quick.”   “Yeah it was like right there, not bad, for ten bucks.” _____________________   “Damn, that...

Red   Her long red hair caught his eye.   He saw them going out for Thai. Sharing a bottle of red. Discussing if there was a god and what comes after death.   “What floor?” she asked as she pressed the number three on the elevator   He blinked.   “Five”   They rode in silence.     Puke   “How...

I slid the ring back in my pocket. It wasn’t a “let’s talk about this later” or anything that would suggest the timing was off, but negotiable. It was a flat out “no.” I swear the whole restaurant let out a collective sigh of sympathy. It was time to...

Mary was tired of making do. Ma said they had to. She watered down the soup so many days, it began to taste like nothing. Ma said they had to cut corners, so Mary didn’t get a new birthday dress this year.  Ma just added more...

“Do you like music festivals?” “Yeah! You know Green Velvet? The bass is crazy. I was rolling so hard when I saw him. I thought I was gonna die.” Her friend giggles and starts typing on her computer. Heavy bass starts playing. ___________________ “I don’t think I’m tipsy but like-“ “You’re...

Puppy Monkey Baby Brian collapsed on the couch next to his two friends, Derek and Dre. They had just arrived from the airport and were staying with him for the weekend. An impromptu college reunion seemed like a great way to make them forget how shitty...

He slid the ring back in his pocket. It wasn’t a “let’s talk about this later” or anything that would suggest the timing was off, but negotiable. It was a flat out “no.” He swears the whole restaurant let out a collective sigh of sympathy. It was time to...

Saxophone I recognized him from his pictures Gangly yet toned Wavy brown hair His humor translated well in real life   “Let’s call a cab” Greeted by the doorman, we went up He opened the door to a soundproof room “I play the saxophone” No saxophone in sight I called a cab    ___________________ Decision I pick up...