It’s Not Delivery   Man #1: Looking back at MAN #2 as he passes by in the freezer aisle. He points at the two frozen pizzas that MAN #2 is pulling out of the freezer.  Are those any good? Man #2: Pulling two frozen pizzas out of the...

Don’t Run   Woman: Bending down and wagging her finger at the children running by. This is where the cars go in an out so you need to be careful here!   Daughter: Not listening, cheerfully crying to other children. I won, I won!     Superbowl Bound   Man #1: Eyes squinting, a...

“Where’s your food?!” “I don’t know! My driver’s been sitting in the same spot for 10 minutes. I wanna cancel but ughhhh I don’t know. I’M STARVING.” “Well, mine’s here heh heh.” _______ “Do you wanna do this log in thing together so I don’t feel stupid?” “Haha yeah hold...

Selfless Gains   Man #1: “Can you spot me bro?” Man #2: “Yeah of course, lemme just finish my set first!” Man #1: “Of course bro, your gains first!” Both laugh, MAN #2 pounds his chest and points at MAN #1.   Ego Stroking   Man #1: “I had some guy asking me if...

“Do you like music festivals?” “Yeah! You know Green Velvet? The bass is crazy. I was rolling so hard when I saw him. I thought I was gonna die.” Her friend giggles and starts typing on her computer. Heavy bass starts playing. ___________________ “I don’t think I’m tipsy but like-“ “You’re...

At the gym:   Man#1: (Hands on hips, breathing a bit hard, speaking to man#2 who has approached the bench man#1 and his friends are working on) You can work in with us if you want man. Man#2: (Waving hands in denial) Oh, no no that’s alright I’m...