Puni the Platypus    30s [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/30sPuni-the-Platypus.m4a"][/audio]   1min [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/1min-Puni-the-Platypus.m4a"][/audio] 2 min [audio m4a="http://www.theplatypuslair.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/2mins-Puni-the-Platypus.m4a"][/audio]...

Five different dialogues from the same couple in a Starbucks. They have a coffee, and for what I hear it must be the first date. 1. The guy is wearing a red winter hat and is smoking weed from a pipe while she stares at him with...

MAYBE TOO MUCH GAMING  We are on August 15 of 1999. An endless hot summer afternoon inside a 9-year-old bedroom.  Sun rays try to get through the closed curtains, but they fail and fall as soon as they enter the room. It is 4 pm,...

Two ladies Woman 1 starts shouting: Fuck it Suzz I told you that you couldn't come to my house. Woman 2 answers shouting too: I don't care what you want, I am coming. You better fucking open the door. She turns around and starts walking. Woman 1turns around the other direction...

Sealand         Many years ago a man named Pepe was the lighthouse keeper of San Sebastián in the north of Spain. He had lived there with his family right up until his death. For 30 years he lived in the house that reigned over...

Smithereens  By Aleksander Hemon New Yorker. Near our mountain cabin, in Jahorina, there was once a hotel called Šator. It was open only in the winter for the skiing season. When you stood outside the hotel under a frigid, starry sky, you could smell cafeteria grease, wood fire,...

Cute puppies  I was running alone through a poppy field and an eagle grabbed me by the neck. I managed to escape by pulling him to the ground. But when I thought I had overcome fear he had already eaten my whole family, one by one,...

PhotoStoriesWinter18 (arrastrado) Love me as I love you Every time Tina Taylor Jackson falls in love she gets into a spiral of feelings that makes her loose the reality of things. Tina Taylor Jackson, TT for her friends. Is a 31 years old woman who has loved for...

Beach time  Two little boys are playing with a surfboard at the sea´s shore. They are arguing because the old brother doesn't allow their little sister play with them and the younger boy wants her to play. Big boy: She is not playing with us. She can´t play...

Goodnight  When I lie next to him I can hear his heart and, like a wave, it comes and goes and takes mine away. With a swing of heartbeats I fall asleep. His breathing whistles in my dreams and when I wake up I forget who...