The good kind of fight  The weeks before the meeting were very difficult for him, his wife had passed away a year ago it was hard to work and handle the kids on his own, but he had a chance, a big client was coming and...

This picture was taken May 30th, 1975. In the left side we have Mary Jane and to her right we have her mom, Carmela. They're part of an Italian upper-middle class family and they live in Staten Island, New York. She has an older brother,...

"Matthew!" I could barely hear my mother's voice as it trailed across the beach. The crashing waves provided a rhythmic soundtrack that all but drowned out her calls. Besides, I had no intention of listening anyway. It was the last day of summer, and I planned...

As father as son Dave was about to turn 6 when his mom died and he stayed alone with his father. His dad was always a role model for Dave and he did everything he could to make him happy. Everyday he would pick him up...

The Price is Always Right Fear gripped Ashley’s heart as she felt her feet leave the ground and her body begin to move out of control. With a crash, she landed against the metal back door of the truck. Pain shot up her side where the...

The inspiration for this piece came from the introduction of an old western movie; Specifically, the country accent storytelling. Oh and a slice of ham. You’ll understand later. The Coyote Brothers It was the brothers first family photograph, which explains why Tommy looks like he saw a...

PhotoStoriesWinter18 (arrastrado) Love me as I love you Every time Tina Taylor Jackson falls in love she gets into a spiral of feelings that makes her loose the reality of things. Tina Taylor Jackson, TT for her friends. Is a 31 years old woman who has loved for...

That’s me, with my back to the camera. I was only eight at the time. I don’t even know where to begin, but I guess I should start by telling you about the time my mom went to Montaña de Sorte, in Yaracuy, Venezuela, with her...

The no-good fella.   It was another night and Claire could hear someone banging on her house door. In the background, she heard her mother yelling at her father to not answer the door. It was a loud argument and one noisy scene that she drowned with...

It was 1947 and Martha Kowalski was 18 today. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself. She finished packing her suitcase and hid it in the back of closet where no one would notice. Downstairs she could hear everyone arriving for her party. Her...