A lost art   Enjoy it now kid, no one cares that you drew cats when you get older Teach em young   You don’t need a phone when you’re still in second grade, go play outside kids     You shouldn’t let tigers have pliers   Everyone knows about tigers, they’re big and they’re strong, but not flyers. About that...

Two Toys Two toys on the floor One toy for you, one for me We play together   Early Flight A bird leaves his nest His wings weak and feeble Far too soon to soar   Friendship To give to you what belongs to me I will not share Not one, not two, not three   To leave my place...

Poop Always wash your hands After you use the potty Wash all the poop off     Manners Say please and thank you It is a nice thing to do Just like giving gifts     Yay Teeth We brush our teeth every day We brush so that they don’t decay We brush our teeth every night So that they’re clean...

Haikus Moody Would you talk to me? If I were bittersweet, without a cause. Grow up Do you yell a lot? And annoy everyone it's time to grow Poem Accept There are a lot of people in the world, Many of them waiting to be unfurled, Tall and skinny, or short and chubby, There’s more to people than just...

Haikus week 3 Lunch Break Fun in the playground During lunch break with a clown Then nap and lay down   Fun Playing hide and seek Or running bike till the peak We have fun all week...

Mother's love In my heart you live. No matter what you are My love, will be yours.   Warrior lover. Fly in every dream, And always remember To  fight for your queen.   Bed time dream There is a warrior in this room, and that warrior is you. Pay attention to my words, and You...

I’m supposed to write something funny, I guess Low key truths to make you laugh Or use a string of curse words like fuck, shit, dick or ass But it’s all math If you learn how to look And very little funny shit is written in the best books Rumi...

Haiku sex joke   It is difficult to make a decent sex joke with only penis   Only 17 syllables   A Haiku is like an unsatisfying fuck: Already over     Rhyming for show   This is a poem called rhyming for show, it’s blunt force comedy, you already know, and you’ll notice that words get forced in like snow, they’re only...