The promised land I have not seen any type of blue sky for the past 10 years, and I miss it. I miss the clouds and the scary summer storms and that thunder that broke the sky many times. I miss the rain and our warm...

“Now what goes after the circle?”   “A square”, Helen said. A square would go there since the pattern has been circle circle, square, circle circle, square.   “Are you sure?” asked Dr. Liechtenstein. “I think another circle goes there.”   “No, a square.”   “Very well.”  He wrote down her answers along...

The induction Welcome to the infinity room. Here we activate the rest of your dormant fifteen senses and stop time for the duration of the orientation. Initially, it will be disorienting, but you'll get used to it. I understand since vision is your predominant primary sense,...

It was a  cold December night in Toronto.  A weird ship had been hovering around Jimmy's town.  As they're walking out of their baseball game, Jimmy and his friend Daniel, saw the ship come down and take a lady with a kid. As they vigorously ran...

A yellow eyed woman walked into her boardroom. Briefcase in hand seeming ready to present her host's plans. The contract for a high rise that would build over the main portal to Nibiru. The order for the hit was given. Every one said their last...

Her phone was ringing, once again. The non stop calling has been going on for weeks now. Sarah doesn't know what to do anymore. Decides to answer "I swear I'll call the police!" Sarah yelled as her dad walked in the room. "Whats going?!" Sarah puts the phone...

New Friend "Oh sweet, a new follower" thought Jessica. The new follower sent a message, "Let's be best friends". Jessica responded politely, "sure". A week went by, she received more and more messages from the anonymous person and grew concerned when it mentioned her family, address...

Tom would ask himself “Did I really dream that?”. The longer he tried to re-collect, the foggier the memory became. Tom, the 12 year old kid from Alaska had unwanted visitors. After a while it really began to affect his life. He would fall asleep during...