"One more round Johnny" said Chad Johnny serves their drinks. "To good friends, and life" said James raising his drink. It's been 3 years since they last saw each other. As they finish their last scotch, it was time to go back home. Walking outside, James takes his...

1. Bye, Now. I softly tucked Laurie in. She watched me, her big, round eyes impossible to read. I gave her Unicorn Joe to hug and kissed her small forehead. “Sleep well, love.” She kept her eyes on mine and said: “The man in the wardrobe says you...

After a while it had all became a routine for Jake. Waking up, gym, work, come back home eat, sleep, and a solid 4-5 hour video game and TV session before going back to bed, and start all over again. No social life whatsoever. After...

Noel Noel was indecisive. She had a lot of ambition and quite a bunch of disposition, but she was always afraid of what she might lose. She was afraid of regretting her choices, of limiting her options by making the wrong choice. So, she had a...

  “Another saké, please.” Noel lifted her empty glass to the waiter.   She was sitting by the full wall window at the 45th floor of the Ritz-Carlton in Tokyo, observing the city light up as night fell. Her afternoon had been surprisingly pleasant, walking around the famous...

A hand reached from my phone's earpiece and choked me. And another started to punch me. I was asleep. Whatever this thing was was stronger than me and threw me off the bed. It had been awhile since I had sleep paralysis. This was vivid....

I was on assignment as a journalist sent to cover the effects of radiation in the pacific. This was ground zero. I was sent to Japan. I was miserable. My observations at Nagasaki and Hiroshima made me worry about the area surrounding the most recent...

Finally, a place for the family to rest their bones. Little did they know theirs weren't the only ones resting there. It was the eve of the Battle of Long Sault and the moon was red. I've explained my case and my wife and kids are...

A yellow eyed woman walked into her boardroom. Briefcase in hand seeming ready to present her host's plans. The contract for a high rise that would build over the main portal to Nibiru. The order for the hit was given. Every one said their last...