The "woe is me type" wraps their head around the surface. I would know because I've been there. The only way out is through. I could complain about how much there is to be done but I'm going to make a move. Time is endless...

It all started as another teenage tantrum. The desire of "going to study abroad" should have been enough to get him already on the first plane on his way to anywhere far away from home. But it wasn't that easy. His parents, who sometimes can be...

As soon as Denzel sit down in attempt to scribe his story overcoming adversity he was forced to face a harsh reality…his early twenties were shitty. Let me explain. During Denzel’s first year of college, he had all the same expectations and ambitions many recent...

“Hello, class.” The girl wore a pink cap that hid her face from my view. She spoke loudly, and her voice was coarse. “My name is Katherine, but you can call me Kate. I’m from New Jersey, and ahm, I don’t really know what my...

It all started as another teenage tantrum. The desire of "going to study abroad" should have been enough to get me already on the first plane on my way to anywhere far away from home. But it wasn't that easy. My parents, who sometimes can be...

That amazing feeling … the feeling that starts from within and spreads to the tips of your fingers like a “hell yeah!” fire. I’m talking about overcoming an obstacle. Growing up strictly speaking Spanish in a foreign country has its positives and negatives, just like anything in...

We went to a friends house to celebrate new years, we all arrived in a friends car and left it under a tree, we started drinking till 12 and then all went bad, I had to many drinks and I remember nothing from 12.30 AM...