He slid the ring back in his pocket. It wasn’t a “let’s talk about this later” or anything that would suggest the timing was off, but negotiable. It was a flat out “no.” He swears the whole restaurant let out a collective sigh of sympathy. It was time to...

Saxophone I recognized him from his pictures Gangly yet toned Wavy brown hair His humor translated well in real life   “Let’s call a cab” Greeted by the doorman, we went up He opened the door to a soundproof room “I play the saxophone” No saxophone in sight I called a cab    ___________________ Decision I pick up...

It was an early Monday morning, day 2 of my third-ever solo vacation. This time, I had picked Tokyo. Japan had always been a place I wanted to visit since 2014 when I promised myself I would take at least one solo trip a year....