I tried to take a video of my waterproof speaker playing music underwater. The music sounded great, but my phone not-so-waterproof died.  FML While teaching my friends Statistics for an exam the next day, I let out a loud brain fart exclaiming “why aren’t pie charts...

Assonance - My friend looks like a raging sage free from his cage - They yelled “fresh meat” as they beat him off his seat - They fought before they heard the shot Chiasmus - choose to fight for a living, or choose to live for fighting - Break...

Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami Before running away from home I wash my hands and face, trim my nails, swab out my ears, and brush my teeth. I take my time, making sure my whole body’s well scrubbed. Being really clean is sometimes...

HAIKU 1 Flip it No way that is wrong! stick it, flip it and burn it It's a dead baby HAIKU 2 Pee in it Folks seem a bit weird they demand "pee in the cup" I'm high, so I shit POEM People’s pick Let’s take a moment, And refrain from posting comments. Things may seem stranger...

CHAPSTICK Anaphora - Make your lips care for the just, make your lips speak for the silenced, make your lips move for the good, make your lips should scare those who betray, make your lips sway the tides.   Anthropomorphism Make the monkeys lips go “oooooowweee”   Antithesis Half a smile,...

Alliteration - Kim Kardashian is pretty talentless, but she is blessed with a brilliant behind.  The teacher thought he died drowning in his drool  Looking at my wife sunbathing on the lawn, my neighbor asked why the grass grows greener on the other side  The...

Haiku 1 He stared at her She whispered sweet nothings They're carefree Haiku 2 He cared enough To carry her shopping bag But he's just a tag POEM With no care of the world, they were on a roll, who’d have thought dinner dates would take took a toll. She got a little plump, He held...