She took a gracious leap from the fuzzy carpet to the French couch and delicately rested her long legs. Her seafoam green eyes watched the room for a moment, her long ears pointed. Slowly, she lifted up one leg in a perfectly straight line and...

He stared at the computer full of numbers,bored and tired, the same routine made a robot out of him and he didn´t noticed until now, he was getting the job of his old boss that recently killed himself in his office with the message: “this...

The plane touched down hard and Christin was abruptly jarred awake. Tokyo, population of 9.2 million people, how would she ever find him in the sea of strange faces. In this insane bustling environment, it would for sure be a challenge. Walking through the airport and...

GAP A conversation between two sales women in a GAP store. One of them is extremely tall and the other one average height. The smaller woman starts the conversation with an intriguing look. - Do you know the other day Brian came late to work?  Says putting my clothes into...

VW Cross Up: Toilets DDB Worldwide  What is the most stressing moment you can experience in a normal day? Every time you are in a rush to the bathroom for any reason and you ara running late. But, what is the most relaxing moment of the day? Every time you...

Secret kiss in Tokyo  To live in a 12mi² apartment in the 53rd floor is a common way of living in Tokyo. To spend more than 10 minutes in your elevator to get to your 12m2 is  part of your routine. The elevators are places...

Bros before hoes  During an intense night of tequila two male best friends had the great idea of getting married instead of tattooing themselves to prove their friendship. They woke up the next morning without knowing who they had married last night and it remained as...

Audi- Equal Pay The commercial is about a girl who is in a car race against all young boys. The cars all look as though they are hand built by the young drivers and their parents. The commercial tells the story of how a father is...

JFK Library 1 -"Mario won't be coming because he is renovating his house and going on vacation." She was thrilled with the excitement of gossip. 2- "How nice a vacation! He should bring us all a gift!" joking tone. Laughs are shared among friends. 3- "Let us send him a...