His sight was full of frustration and anger. His fingers were squeezing his lips. Dressed in black, grown beard and loosing hair. I could see myself in him. For an instant we were soulmates. But not really. We are just two guys working in advertising and our...

The first commercial is pretty much the ad for which I decided to work in advertising. It awed me how it was possible to tell incredible stories through every day products. Just the possibility of wearing Nikes back then, it made me feel like a...

I would say that his biggest fear has always been public speaking. Although he's never really been what you can describe as a "shy" person, its just something about standing up in front of everyone that has always intimidated him.  He remembers being extremely nervous...

Tide Ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gGXnE1Dbh0 Exposition: David Harbor is pretty seductive in introducing the typical Super Bowl Ads. Rising Action: But… He points out, all those typical ads are actually a Tide ad! He proves that by continuing to show examples of ads, and in each one reminds us that...

"Hopefully I'll see you before your trip." He was tall and thin. Wore a white shirt, cool shades. He was holding a car door open for the girl, and before she got in she said: "No, you won't. But I'll send you pics." "Ha! Ok. Stay safe." He...

Professor: So what did you do friday nigth? Student: we went to LIV but it was no good Professor: why is that? Student: well because we paid to get a open bar and then we arrived and they give us like 3 bottles for 60 people so nobody...

Girl 1: You have to be really careful in the eastern Europe Girl 2: Two day ago, no yesterday, I was in the bus and talked to the driver, he told me he was going to Ukraine because he wanted to meet woman, I mean why did...

I was staring at her all the trip, she also look at me a few times and smile,I thought fuck it im going to talk to her. The station came and she went out througth  the other door, I had to face reality,I am never seeing...