In the upside-down world people walk with their hands and greet with their feet. In the upside-down world kids raise their parents and ice cream comes before salad. In the upside-down world, I am a youthful adult turning into a mature kid and this story is just about...

- The doctor said it was the most beautiful circumcision ever saw. - Circumcisions are horrible. - No they are a tradition, and they are good for men. In the case of my baby, it was a beautiful tradition. -Well, I guess some day he'll thank you for...

There they were, holding hands and walking down the street in my direction. As they got closer I could feel myself shaking, anxiety gripping me at my core. We passed each other and she didn’t notice me. It was starkly apparent, she had become someone... Exposition: A young boy walks down a hallway dressed in a Darth Vader costume. Rising Action: He, unsuccessfully, tries and use "the force" or everything from an exercise bike to the family's dog. Climax: His father pulls up in a Volkswagen and the bo tries to use... Exposition: Dude is sitting on his couch with a beer in his hand. Rising Action: The phone rings and his friend asks him what he's doing. He mentions, "Nothing B. Just watching the game, having a bud." Climax: His friend walks in and screams "Whassup!" IThen the...

"Hand over a damn well written marketing plan by midnight or there will be consequences!" It had been 5 hours since the boss shrieked those words at him. In that time he'd; drank 4 espressos and took wrote the outlines.He hands it over to the crimson... Exposition: Three women are looking at a big burger bun. Rising Action: One of the women mentions how big the bun is and another agrees with her. Climax: They lift up the top bun revealing a small beef pattie inside. Falling Action: The women look closer and repeatedly...

“Hey, guys! I’m not allowed to talk to anyone during the break." “What did he say?” “He said he couldn’t talk to anyone during his break.” “But he clearly just spoke to us right?” “…and he’s talking to someone else now.”...

Ornock soared high above the clouds; higher than any ship before him. Overcome with ambition, Ornock continued to climb higher and higher; until he was unable to make out the images on the ground below. In a brief moment of clarity, he remembered not thoroughly checking his...