The outcome of his burgeoning young career rest in this one play. This was the moment where he either proved the naysayers wrong or confirmed their suspicions of him being the biggest bust in recent history. The countdown began. 5…4…3…2…1…clank. Never before had the weight... A couple of kids are bored at a light store. The shopkeeper makes fun of them. Macho Man Randy Savage crashes through the skylight. He offers them fun by eating beef jerky. He takes a bite  and the lights explode. The boys join in and...

The young lovers were miles apart. They spoke daily but their moods  grew dark by time since they laid. There was nothing they could do because time was constrained. So they immersed each tryst and then had to wait. Quality over quantity leads to escape....

I felt miserable and desperate. The dog beside me smelled horrible.  As more people comes in, my anxiety just gets worst. Its been a long, busy day. After many stops, I finally get to the 21st floor and  exit the elevator, just to notice I...

It's better to take and cite than to veil your inspiration. He spent hours trying to cover his up but the source still showed up. If you have many sources they will become pieces to your puzzle. Then you become the puzzle and I will...