I slid the ring back in my pocket. It wasn’t a “let’s talk about this later” or anything that would suggest the timing was off, but negotiable. It was a flat out “no.” I swear the whole restaurant let out a collective sigh of sympathy. It was time to...

Mary was tired of making do. Ma said they had to. She watered down the soup so many days, it began to taste like nothing. Ma said they had to cut corners, so Mary didn’t get a new birthday dress this year.  Ma just added more...

PhotoStoriesWinter18 (arrastrado) Love me as I love you Every time Tina Taylor Jackson falls in love she gets into a spiral of feelings that makes her loose the reality of things. Tina Taylor Jackson, TT for her friends. Is a 31 years old woman who has loved for...

Story of Confession I feel this peace inside that only you give. I often wonder why we met. I’m starting to think it was to name our kid's nick and Bret. Girl, I love you, and I get down on this knee and confess that my life with you...

Beach time  Two little boys are playing with a surfboard at the sea´s shore. They are arguing because the old brother doesn't allow their little sister play with them and the younger boy wants her to play. Big boy: She is not playing with us. She can´t play...

Goodnight  When I lie next to him I can hear his heart and, like a wave, it comes and goes and takes mine away. With a swing of heartbeats I fall asleep. His breathing whistles in my dreams and when I wake up I forget who...

My secret kiss in Tokyo  I have always hated elevators. I hate the idea of being in a very small place with other people that I don't know, making small talk and breathing the same air. But my husband insisted in renting an Airbnb in Tokyo...

It was an early Monday morning, day 2 of her third-ever solo vacation. This time, she had picked Tokyo. Japan had always been a place she wanted to visit since 2014, when she promised herself she would take at least one solo trip a year....

Makeup Lovers “I was like, you know what? If she loves that blush, I’ll probably love it too.” “Oh yeah definitely. Her makeup is always on point.” “Yeah, it is.”   Between Friends “Your car is gonna get towed. I’m telling you.” “Nooo! Not again. Last time I had to pay $250.” “Put...

That’s me, with my back to the camera. I was only eight at the time. I don’t even know where to begin, but I guess I should start by telling you about the time my mom went to Montaña de Sorte, in Yaracuy, Venezuela, with her...