As the final day of vacation gets closer, there's mixed feelings involved. Its been an entire summer together and now each one goes back home. As he was already telling her his plans for his next visit to see her, she shed a tear, knowing...

(Student 1) I think Im just going to work on it tomorrow morning cause its consuming too much time. (Student 2) Do you think he's going to be tough on the editing? (Student 1) Just do exactly whats in the tutorial video and you'll be good....

I would say that his biggest fear has always been public speaking. Although he's never really been what you can describe as a "shy" person, its just something about standing up in front of everyone that has always intimidated him.  He remembers being extremely nervous...

Lost soldier.  It was a beautiful Sunday morning, Elsa didn't want to wake up because sun was kissing her face. Suddenly she heard a loud noise. She run downstairs, opened the door outside and found a beautiful flowers with a note: Happy Birthday love. Your soldier...

"Matthew!" I could barely hear my mother's voice as it trailed across the beach. The crashing waves provided a rhythmic soundtrack that all but drowned out her calls. Besides, I had no intention of listening anyway. It was the last day of summer, and I planned...

As father as son Dave was about to turn 6 when his mom died and he stayed alone with his father. His dad was always a role model for Dave and he did everything he could to make him happy. Everyday he would pick him up...

5 Conversations:   “Can I take a hit of that?”   “Sure”   “What flavor is it?”   “Tobacco, pretty bad, probably tastes like it”   He chuckles.     “What’d you get? Is that corn on the cob?”   “No, it’s a kebab,” he snickers   “That was pretty quick.”   “Yeah it was like right there, not bad, for ten bucks.” _____________________   “Damn, that...

Red   Her long red hair caught his eye.   He saw them going out for Thai. Sharing a bottle of red. Discussing if there was a god and what comes after death.   “What floor?” she asked as she pressed the number three on the elevator   He blinked.   “Five”   They rode in silence.     Puke   “How...