"Check Charlie's house" whispered James. "No! they're out there!" said Michael as they hide in the bushes.  Aliens had already taken most of the neighborhood. "I'll call him" James takes his phone, looks back,  Michael wasn't there. "Finally! Why it took so long!" Screamed James while walking to the...

Roger was laying in his bed when he decided to try it. He's been hiding it for months. His grandfather's time machine. He hops in "my god. what did I got into" he screamed, as the machine took him back to when his parents met. It...

A Cold Greeting The doorbell sounds. Mark is awoken from a deep sleep. A bag of chips slides off his chest onto the floor as he struggles to his feet from the couch. Bleary-eyed, he opens the door. No one is there. Strange he thinks as...

"How the hell are we supposed to create a walking hurricane?!" The room falls silent. A conundrum the University of Miami had not foreseen when the football program adopted the nickname in 1926. Following a particularly nasty storm that struck South Florida that year, the moniker...

by: Christopher Adams Happy Birthday Patrick   He'd slept out of his covers again and woken up cold. The room was only just coming round and the old man was always up first, naked and sleepy and thin. Numb vibrations built into an even roll of whooshes and sweeps....

Analysis of "The School" The story I read is called "The School" from Sixty Stories by Donald Barthelme. It starts by introducing the setting, which is a classroom, and the narrator reveals himself as the teacher. He goes through all the things that have recently died...

The Fight for Pink Back in the fifties, my boyfriend (at the time) was in charge of coming up with a mascot for M&M’s. Early ads from those days featured two anthropomorphic M&M’s (one peanut and one plain) driving into a pool of chocolate. But, I...

Her favorite song “Drop.” “Drop.” “Drop.” She liked the rhythm the blood droplets created. It sounded almost like music. And that, she loved. Almost as much as she had loved him. The difference was, music would never hurt her. She took the knife out of his backside, put her...

Two ladies Woman 1 starts shouting: Fuck it Suzz I told you that you couldn't come to my house. Woman 2 answers shouting too: I don't care what you want, I am coming. You better fucking open the door. She turns around and starts walking. Woman 1turns around the other direction...