The Bestest Friend     [audio m4a=""][/audio] [audio m4a=""][/audio] [audio m4a=""][/audio]...   The Big Snit is a short animated film that was released in 1985. It portrays a couple so enthralled by a Scrabble game that they fail to realize the nuclear war that is going on right outside their door. It illustrates how frustrating yet beautiful...

Wildwood by Junot Diaz ( Wildwood refers to the town that the protagonist runs away to in order to be with a boy she believes holds the answer to all her problems. Due to teenage recklessness/rebellion, she was hungry for a change in scenery since she...

“Where’s your food?!” “I don’t know! My driver’s been sitting in the same spot for 10 minutes. I wanna cancel but ughhhh I don’t know. I’M STARVING.” “Well, mine’s here heh heh.” _______ “Do you wanna do this log in thing together so I don’t feel stupid?” “Haha yeah hold...

5 Conversations:   “Can I take a hit of that?”   “Sure”   “What flavor is it?”   “Tobacco, pretty bad, probably tastes like it”   He chuckles.     “What’d you get? Is that corn on the cob?”   “No, it’s a kebab,” he snickers   “That was pretty quick.”   “Yeah it was like right there, not bad, for ten bucks.” _____________________   “Damn, that...

“Do you like music festivals?” “Yeah! You know Green Velvet? The bass is crazy. I was rolling so hard when I saw him. I thought I was gonna die.” Her friend giggles and starts typing on her computer. Heavy bass starts playing. ___________________ “I don’t think I’m tipsy but like-“ “You’re...

Puppy Monkey Baby Brian collapsed on the couch next to his two friends, Derek and Dre. They had just arrived from the airport and were staying with him for the weekend. An impromptu college reunion seemed like a great way to make them forget how shitty...

  “And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”  ― Sylvia Plath, The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath...