The Game of Love

INT. close up shots of the JOHN’s face and then JESSICA’s face, each holding for about five seconds while the person looks intently at the camera. We’re made to believe they are looking at each other in a very serious moment. VO of JOHN’s voice plays at the second or third second. Second close ups of JOHN and JESSICA, this time showing only their eyes, holding for about the same time as before.


VO JOHN: It’s funny how things can escalate, get out of hand too quickly. Love can be that way, I think. You can be happy in your relationship one second, and then, bam, you choose to spend the night in together and suddenly the wrong conversation has you in ruins.


Jump cut to medium behind them, showing them playing Super Smash Brothers. Jump cut to shot looking down the couch, focusing on their hands, which are feverishly wielding the controls. Pan up to JOHN’s face, as he’s the closest to the camera.


JOHN: It doesn’t have to be this way, you know. I’m open to discussing other options.


Jump cut to the same shot, but on JESSICA at the other end of the couch.

JESSICA: No. We’ve been through everything so many times my head is going to explode. As she says “explode” her character blasts JOHN’s off the map and she wins. Jump cut to medium looking up at JESSICA from JOHN’s side. She looks back at JOHN, deadly serious. It’s for the best.


JOHN half shakes his head and grimaces. He leans forward and switches Mario Kart in for Super Smash. Cut to black from the shot on the console showing the switch. Fade in from black, we hear them before we see them. It’s the medium from JOHN’s end.


JOHN: Because it’s stupid! We could do anything together, you know? And this, this is a waste of our time, a waste of US. He crashes into the side. Fucking Christ, Mario!


JESSICA: Oh, you probably shouldn’t call him that. Ya know just to make sure this movie doesn’t have any copyright infringement issues, let’s just call him…Francis Mooney. Getting back to the point, and her frustration with it. You said you wanted this, okay? Getting emotional. I didn’t ask for this.


JOHN: Also getting emotional. But God damn it your silence was all the asking I needed! Can’t you see…I only ever cared about you, what you want, how to make you best fit into everything. He wins the Mario Kart race. Cut out of the medium on their backs and the TV and then to JOHN’s face in a close up. Nice, Francis Mooney.


Close-up on JESSICA’s face looking hurt.


JESSICA: So, I guess it’s come down to this.


Jump cut to the Nintendo, Mario Kart getting substituted for NBA Jams. Fade out to black. Fade in from black, again we hear them before we see them. Medium from Jessica’s side


JESSICA: I guess I just can’t understand why you won’t admit you were wrong and own up to it. I mean come on, you’re struggling as much as I am here, I can see it.


Jump cut to close-up on JOHN’s face.


JOHN: See? That’s your problem, you think I’m trying to make this about me and you’re failing to see that I’m just trying to do what’s best for you!


Jump cut to close-up on JESSICA’s face.


JESSICA: What’s best for me? Look at you, look at where YOU are!


Jump cut to close-up on JOHN’s face.


JOHN: Sputtering. That doesn’t mean – you have no idea what – just you wait!


Jump cut to close-up on Jessica’s face. She’s wearing a big smile now.


JESSICA: Wait is right baby, just wait for that buzzer. Close-up of the screen, JESSICA has whooped JOHN’s ass in NBA Jams and there’s only a minute left with an impossibly high deficit. JOHN’s player is just standing in the corner of the court as play goes past him. How long have you been standing there?


JOHN: A defeated tone, but less serious now. A few minutes now. What’s the point, I lost.


JESSICA: Mhm, that’s right. You know the rules, best two out of three, and you know we called NBA Jams as the tie breaker. Fair is fair.


JOHN: Fine, you win, those were the rules. Pass it over. JESSICA hands him a balloon filled with helium. He inhales deeply from the balloon and then delivers part of the monologue from the Godfather where the Godfather says “you come to me on the day my daughter is to be married”.


She laughs and throws her arms around him. Slow pan out as romantic music plays. Fade to credits as music continues.

Alex Niemann