Thoughts of The Sweet-voiced Beauty

(In my head):

“Now that’s what you call easy on the eyes. Look at his hair. He has nicer hair than I do. I always wanted wavy, blonde hair. God dammit and he has crystal blue eyes. Too bad I’m with dad. Hmm, I wonder if he can take a picture of us? What am I thinking, I came here to spend time with dad. It’s time to get back to reality.”

(Thoughtful tone): “Hey dad lets take a picture in front of the Sento Imperial Palace. I want to make sure we take it all in. It’s not every day you’re surrounded by such an extraordinary and vivid garden.

(Engaged and excited) Dad: “That’s for sure, look at all the colors and these gorgeous trees. Your mother would never let me plant one of these at home.”

(Laughing): C’mon dad, stop being silly and let us take a picture!

Dad: “Ok, let’s ask someone to take one of us. I sure as hell don’t want a selfie for this place. I want to remember all of it.
Why don’t you ask that guy!  He looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

(In my mind): “ oh my god, well I guess this is my chance. Don’t screw it up.”

(In a soft and sweet voice): Can you take a photo of my father and me?”

He stares at her for a moment.

(In my head): “Is he staring at me? Wait, this could be a good thing. That’s right; I’m breathtaking! Oh my goodness, he’s blushing. How darn cute! ”

Blonde haired eye candy: “Yes, of course!”

He smiled and grabbed my camera and snapped a shot of my father and me.

(In my mind): “I guess I should say thank you now.”

(in a polite and debonaire tone) Eye candy: “May I have the honor of your photograph?”
(In my head): “Oh my, for the love of blue eyes did he just ask me for my picture? I’m too shy–Just nod politely and smile like a normal person.”

He takes his camera and takes a few shots

Dad: “c’mon sweetie were going to miss the tour!”

(In my head):”Really dad! Why now?”

(Abruptly) Blonde haired eye candy: “I’d love to show you your photos and let this not be the last time we meet.”

He hands her his card and smiles warmly at her.

She grabs her stuff and starts to walk off and smiles back at him.

(In my head): “oh my goodness, yesss! Ahhh.”

Natalie Castro