Tokyo Love Story Week 2 Ethan Vink

The plane touched down hard and I was abruptly jarred awake. Tokyo, population of 9.2 million people, how would I ever find him in the sea of strange faces.

In this insane bustling environment, it would for sure be a challenge. Walking through the airport and trying to read the strange signs was a daunting task, I wondered around for 15 minutes until I finally found the luggage pick up. I knew from his blog that this was the city he be in, I left the airport and made my way to the hotel.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, I poured over his photographs for quite possibly the hundredth time. I was a woman in love with a man I had never met. I was in love with his ideas and the way he saw the world and captured it in the lens of his camera. I scoured his blog looking for clues on where in Tokyo he would be next.

Jet lagged, I laid back on the bed and closed my eyes. Tokyu Plaza Omotesesamdo Harajuku would be my first stop in the morning, me and a million other people. I groaned and thought to myself that this was hopeless, even if I find him what am I going to say or do. I had no idea but I just knew that it was going to be electric.

I searched for 5 days for him and still no luck. On my last day in Tokyo I sat in Ueno Park, relieved to be escaping the hustle and bustle of the city. The sun was ablaze and my eyes were red and swollen from crying the night before yet I was so struck by the awe-inspiring cherry blossoms that I hadn’t noticed the stranger sitting beside me. Hardly giving him a second glance, we chatted for a few minutes and I said a curt good-bye and headed for the airport.

As my plane reached cruising altitude I logged on to the Internet, immediately clicking on his blog. I was stunned to see a picture of myself sitting on a park bench gazing at the cherry trees. Scanning the page I read these words; “Today I met the most beautiful women I have ever seen in Ueno Park. I only spent a few minutes with her and I know this sounds crazy but I felt like I’ve known her my whole life. Do you believe in love at first sight, because I do and I won’t stop until I find her.

Ethan Vink