Two TV Commercials

Tide Ad

Exposition: David Harbor is pretty seductive in introducing the typical Super Bowl Ads.

Rising Action: But… He points out, all those typical ads are actually a Tide ad! He proves that by continuing to show examples of ads, and in each one reminds us that perfect of the sparkling clean shirts, that ad is also a Tide Ad. The examples speed up until…

Climax: This makes every Super Bowl Ad a Tide Ad.

Falling Action: More examples, this time longer-lasting, that continue to make clear that it’s always a Tide Ad.

Resolution: In every Super Bowl Ad you see after this, you’ll remember Tide at the first sight of a clean shirt. It’s also a Tide Ad and it’s top of mind.


Budweiser 2018 Super Bowl Ad / “Stand By You”


Exposition: A man wakes up with his phone ringing in the middle of the night, picks it up and announces that “he’ll be right there”. He kisses his wife and leaves. It’s still dark out and as he drives his car, we can hear the man on the radio talking about communities impacted by a storm (Irma, likely) and in need of aid. The man arrives at the Budweiser facility.

Rising Action: A soft version of Ben E King’s “Stand By Me” starts to play as the man enters the facility and we’re introduced to thousands of Budweiser cans in line for production. We see the teams who take care of filling the cans and packing them up, and then suddenly, instead of beer, they’re filtering and filling cans with water. And as the process continues, the Budweiser team packs and transports thousands of kilos of water in cans. The man from the beginning oversees the process.

Climax: Back home that night, the man watches the news talk about Budweiser’s effort to bring water to the families affected by natural disasters (a problem mentioned in the radio at the beginning of the ad). He looks at his wife and she smiles. Now we all understand what the previous images actually meant.

Falling Action: As the song comes to a touching close, we see the Budweiser truck transporting more water as the shot grows far. The names of the different states that the initiative has helped roll over and the song is over.

Resolution: The logo and the tagline “Whenever You Need Us” suddenly switches to the water can and becomes “We’ll Be There”.

Julia Garicochea