Two TV commercials.

The first commercial is pretty much the ad for which I decided to work in advertising. It awed me how it was possible to tell incredible stories through every day products. Just the possibility of wearing Nikes back then, it made me feel like a hero.

The arch is pretty evident. It all starts with a big shot in the Coliseum in Rome, and the arrival of the heroes who meet “the bad guys”. Then it all starts to escalate when they perceive the rival is actually not friendly. From there it starts the battle, the struggle and it’s peak when they face the devil in the goal.

My second favorite commercial is one of the most awarded ads in the world. It just aired once, however it became epic since that day.

It is a very simple ad, it doesn’t have a fancy production nor many turns in the story. However it is pretty well done. It shows the image of a Gorilla preparing itself for something big, you can see how the story begins to build itself through the image and face of the Gorilla and then the tension and expectations begins to lift up as the song evolves, to end in an awesome Climax of music, expression and branding.

Felipe Reyes