Very Important Conversations

Bro 101


“Yo, what’s good?”

“Uh, nothing man, just left work. Headed home, gotta feed the pup.”

“Nice, you have a date tonight?”

“Nah man, saw that chick Carly on Saturday, just gonna chill.”

“True, taking out this bumble chick later.”

“Baby Jane?”



Mother Knows Best

“Hey Mom”

“Hey, how are you?”

“Good, just got back from class. What are you up to?”

“Hmm, nothing just walking home from my Spanish lesson. How are you feeling?”

“Much better!” (lying through teeth)

“Good, you should probably just rest up again. You have class in the morning right?”

“Yeah, at 11am.”

“Ok, make sure you leave enough time in the morning.”

“Okay, okayyy. I gotta go. Love you, bye.”

Oliver Permut